FREE Community Workshops for Parents!

Parent and child

Attend STAR Institute’s FREE Community Workshop Series for parents online or in person!

Learn from Dr. Roianne Ahn, Psychologist, and Lindsay Fogerty, Occupational Therapist, as they dive into helpful topics to increase family understanding and quality of life. 

RSVP to to reserve your seat. Space is limited!

OR Register NOW for online access!


5420 S Quebec St. Suite 103, Greenwood Village, CO 80111

November 9, 2018 • 6pm - 7pm 

Maintaining Balance: Parent Child Sensory Co-Regulation 

  • Learn about how occupational therapists think about arousal and the optimal level of arousal
  • Learn about parent/child sensory systems and inputs that tend to be calming or altering
  • Learn how these can be applied to regulation and co-regulation for you and your child

Register NOW for online access!

December 7, 2018 • 6pm - 7pm 

Applying Arousal Regulation to Play

  • Learn how “just” playing allows the brain to achieve and maintain an optimal state of arousal to stay regulated and to learn and to engage with others
  • Learn about the critical role of social-emotional development to inform how we play
  • Apply regulation strategies to play that is common in the home environment  

Register NOW for online access!


Similarities, Differences and Overlap of Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and ADHD

Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder can all look similar in children. This was presented in October of 2018. STAR Institute’s FREE class for parents to learn from Dr. Roianne Ahn, Psychologist, and Lindsay Fogerty, Occupational Therapist, as they explain the similarities, differences and overlap of these three diagnoses.

Register NOW for online access!