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Differences in sensory integration and processing manifest in various ways, reflecting the unique ways individuals interact with and interpret sensory information. Each person's sensory experience is distinct and there are predictable patterns in how these differences may present.
These differences can affect multiple sensory systems, including visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, vestibular, proprioceptive, and interoceptive modalities. The complexity of these differences makes understanding and supporting individuals a nuanced endeavor. Each person may experience variations across one or more sensory systems, leading to a diverse range of sensory experiences.
Individuals with sensory processing differences may interpret everyday sensory information—such as touch, sound, and movement—in ways that differ from neurotypical responses. Some may feel overwhelmed by sensory input, while others might actively seek out intense sensory experiences. Additionally, there are those who may not notice sensations that others find significant. This can lead to challenges in sensory-motor skills, including issues with coordination, balance, or fine motor abilities.
These sensory differences can also lead to emotional, behavioral, social, attentional, or motor challenges. The impact of these challenges can vary widely, influenced by the individual child’s context and family dynamics.
It is essential to approach each individual with a sense of curiosity and understanding, recognizing that their sensory experiences are valid and deserving of support. By embracing a neurodiversity-affirming perspective, we can foster an environment that celebrates these differences and promotes positive development for all children.
In our work at the STAR Institute for Sensory Integration, we emphasize the importance of individualized assessment and tailored interventions, ensuring that every child receives the support they need to thrive in a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming.
Major Patterns of Sensory Processing Differences
Sensory Modulation: This pattern involves how individuals respond to sensory input. Some may be overly sensitive to stimuli, leading to feelings of overwhelm, while others may seek out more intense sensory experiences.
Sensory Discrimination: This relates to the ability to differentiate between various sensory inputs. Individuals may struggle to distinguish between similar sensory experiences, affecting their interactions with the environment.
Sensory-Based Motor Differences: This pattern includes challenges related to motor skills and coordination, often impacting how individuals navigate their physical world.

Subtypes of SPD Explained
Summary of Sensory Processing Disorder Subtypes
Pattern 1: Sensory Modulation Disorder
Sensory Over-Responsive
Sensory Under-Responsive
Sensory Craving
Pattern 2: Sensory-Based Motor Disorder
Postural Disorder
Pattern 3: Sensory Discrimination Disorder
Summary of Sensory Processing Disorder Subtypes
Primary Pattern |
Subtype |
Description |
Sensory Modulation Disorder |
Difficulty regulating responses to sensory stimuli |
Sensory Over-Responsive |
Predisposition to respond too much, too soon, or for too long to sensory stimuli most people find quite tolerable |
Sensory Under-Responsive |
Predisposition to be unaware of sensory stimuli, to have a delay before responding, responses are muted or responds with less intensity compared to the average person |
Sensory Craving |
Driven to obtain sensory stimulation, but getting the stimulation results in disorganization and does not satisfy the drive for more |
Sensory-Based Motor Disorder |
Difficulty with balance, motor coordination, and the performance of skilled, non-habitual and/or habitual motor tasks |
Postural Disorder |
Impaired perception of position of body position; poorly developed movement patterns that depend on core stability. Thus, appears weak and/or has poor endurance |
Dyspraxia |
Difficulty thinking of, planning and/or executing skilled movements especially novel movement patterns |
Sensory Discrimination Disorder |
Difficulty interpreting subtle qualities of objects, places, people or other environments |
Auditory DD |
Difficulty interpreting characteristics of sensory stimuli that is heard; (may be called Auditory Discrimination Disorder) |
Visual DD |
Difficulty determining/interpreting characteristics of sensory stimuli that is seen |
Tactile DD |
Difficulty determining/interpreting characteristics of sensory stimuli that is felt on the skin or interpreting higher level visual/spatial characteristics of touch (includes stereognosis and graphesthesia disorders) |
Vestibular DD |
Difficulty interpreting characteristics of sensory stimuli, experienced through movement of the body through space or against gravity |
Proprioceptive DD |
Difficulty determining/interpreting characteristics of sensory stimuli experienced through use of the muscles and joints |
Gustatory DD |
Difficulty determining/interpreting characteristics of sensory stimuli that is tasted |
Olfactory DD |
Difficulty determining/interpreting characteristics of sensory stimuli that is smelled |
Interoception |
Difficulty interpreting stimulation from internal organs (may not feel need to use the toilet or may have frequent somatic complaints such as stomach aches) |
Pattern 1: Sensory Modulation Disorder
Sensory Over-Responsivity
Individuals with sensory over-responsivity are more sensitive to sensory stimulation than most people. Their bodies feel sensation too easily or too intensely. They might feel as if they are being constantly bombarded with information. Consequently, these people often have a “fight or flight” response to sensation, e.g. being touched unexpectedly or loud noise, a condition sometimes called “sensory defensiveness.” They may try to avoid or minimize sensations, e.g. withdraw from being touched or cover their ears to avoid loud sounds.
Sensory Under-Responsivity
Individuals who are under-responsive to sensory stimuli are often quiet and passive, disregarding or not responding to stimuli of the usual intensity available in their sensory environment. They may appear withdrawn, difficult to engage and or self-absorbed because they do not detect the sensory input in their environment. Their under-responsivity to tactile and deep pressure input may lead to poor body awareness, clumsiness or movements that are not graded appropriately. These children may not perceive objects that are too hot or cold or they may not notice pain in response to bumps, falls, cuts, or scrapes.
Sensory Craving
Individuals with this pattern actively seek or crave sensory stimulation and seem to have an almost insatiable desire for sensory input. They tend to be constantly moving, crashing, bumping, and/or jumping. They may “need” to touch everything and be overly affectionate, not understanding what is “their space” vs. “other’s space.” Sensory seekers are often thought to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). A key factor with Sensory Craving is that when the individual receives more input it does not regulate him/her; in fact, those with true craving disorders become disorganized with additional stimulation.
Pattern 2: Sensory-Based Motor Disorder
Postural Disorder
An individual with postural disorder has difficulty stabilizing his/her body during movement or at rest in order to meet the demands of the environment or of a motor task. When postural control is good, the person can reach, push, pull, etc. and has good resistance against force. Individuals with poor postural control often do not have the body control to maintain a good standing or sitting position.
Dyspraxia/Motor Planning Problems
Individuals with Dyspraxia have trouble processing sensory information properly, resulting in problems planning and carrying out new motor actions. They may have difficulty in forming a goal or idea, planning a sequence of actions or performing new motor tasks. These individuals are clumsy, awkward, and accident-prone. They may break toys, have poor skill in ball activities or other sports, or have trouble with fine motor activities. They may prefer sedentary activities or try to hide their motor planning problem with verbalization or with fantasy play.
Pattern 3: Sensory Discrimination Disorder
Sensory discrimination refers to the process whereby specific qualities of sensory stimuli are perceived and meaning attributed to them. Discriminate means understanding accurately what is seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelled. Individuals with SDD difficulties have problems determining the characteristics of sensory stimuli. The result is a poor ability to interpret or give meaning to the specific qualities of stimuli or difficulty detecting similarities and differences among stimuli. (Do I see a “P” or a “Q”? Do I hear “cat” or “cap”? Do I feel a quarter or a dime in my pocket? Am I falling to the side or backwards?). Individuals with poor sensory discrimination may appear awkward in both gross and fine motor abilities and/or inattentive to people and objects in their environment. They may take extra time to process the important aspects of sensory stimuli.