Get started with a no-cost, over-the-phone information session with a STAR Institute clinician by completing the New Client Inquiry Form.
Our clinic is located in Centennial, Colorado. For inquiries or further details, please get in touch with our Treatment Center via email at treatment@sensoryhealth.org or reach us by phone at 303-221-7827.
What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, or AAC, describes any non-speaking means of communicating. Augmentative specifically refers to strategies that enhance verbal communication, while Alternative refers to strategies that are used instead of oral language.
AAC includes no-tech and/or low-tech strategies such as gestures, picture symbols, core word paper boards, spelling boards, or writing. High-tech solutions include the use of apps or computer-based systems, usually with voice output, to create a robust communication system.
Some AAC communicators use their strategies full-time while others use them only for a short time or to support communication in specific settings or scenarios.
Who benefits from AAC strategies:
Anyone not able to verbally express their wants and needs across all their communication settings may benefit from AAC strategies.
AAC has been shown to support the communication needs that occur with a variety of diagnoses and neurotypes including apraxia of speech, autism, Down Syndrome, anxiety, cerebral palsy, selective mutism, and many more.
There are no prerequisites for AAC strategies. People of all ages, motor abilities, cognitive abilities, and speech production capacities may benefit.
Research has shown that individuals using AAC strategies demonstrate increased verbal speech abilities.
Services available for all ages:
Multi-disciplinary AAC Evaluation pathway
Direct therapy and caregiver coaching programs for implementation
Consultation and caregiver training for families that have an AAC system
Supports for effective implementation, including how to use and program the system
Considerations of feature/application matching
Adapting AAC systems to support sensory-motor differences
What makes AAC services at STAR unique:
We believe that access to communication is a human right and strive to remove barriers to acquiring AAC systems.
All people deserve the opportunity to be autonomous communicators.
There are no prerequisites for introducing robust AAC. Our team is committed to supporting ALL individuals in finding a system that works for them.
We use a strengths-based approach.
We honor that AAC users and their families are often the experts on a client’s communication strengths and needs. We work with families to find the most successful next steps for implementation.
We take a multidisciplinary approach to AAC evaluation and implementation. Our team is comprised of a speech-language pathologist, an occupational therapist, and, most importantly, you and your family.
Support for access needs for individuals with differences in:
- motor planning
engagement and arousal-state needs
sensory integration/processing needs
We work with various funding sources, including private insurance, to acquire the tools each client needs.
At the end of the AAC evaluation process, the STAR AAC team will provide you with a written report that can be submitted to your insurance provider to aid in obtaining an AAC system.
In efforts to remove barriers and increase access to AAC, we also accept Colorado Medicaid and partner with local Community Center Boards (CCBs). Visit our fees and insurance page for more information.