School-Based Intensive: STAR for School

Online + Livestream Bundle: $640

Daily | February 18-21, 2025
2:30 PM - 5:30 PM Mountain Time

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Get Started with the Online Content Portion ONLY ($250): 

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About the School-based Intensive: STAR for School course
(Online + Live-streamed Course):

This “hybrid” intensive training course is designed specifically for the school-based practitioner. The course provides an in-depth understanding of the application of sensory processing theory and intervention in schools. Specific focus is given to educationally relevant evaluation, intervention, and collaboration with educators. The clinician will learn to apply clinical reasoning through lectures, discussions, and video treatment analysis. In the course, clinicians will develop an action plan for application implementation to take back to their own practice settings.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain how the three areas of sensory, relationships, and regulation can support students in each of the three tiers of RTI
  • Use a variety of assessment tools to evaluate children with disordered sensory processing in a school setting
  • Utilize a multifaceted approach to sensory processing and integration that includes consultation, accommodations and modifications, and remedial direct support services
  • Synthesize information in an OT assessment, write IEP’s, and collaborate effectively with student’s team
  • Practice clinical reasoning tools for intervention developed by Dr. Lucy Jane Miller and Dr. Sarah A. Schoen
  • Analyze client session videos through clinical reasoning, and discuss treatment planning

Online + Live-streamed Full Program Bundle: $640
25 hours/2.5 AOTA CEUs

Participants are strongly encouraged and expected to complete 13 hours of online material before the live-streamed portion of the course, as online material is foundational to more advanced live content. Participants have a grace period of 3 months after the live-streamed course to complete the pre-requisite online modules if the expectation is not met due to unforeseen circumstances. Participants will not receive a Certificate of Completion with full AOTA CEUs until both the Online and Live-streamed components are completed.

Online + In-Person Full Program Bundle: $800
25 hours/2.5 AOTA CEUs
Participants are strongly encouraged and expected to complete 13 hours of online material before the in-person portion of the course, as online material is foundational to more advanced live content. Participants have a grace period of 3 months after the in-person to complete the pre-requisite online modules if the expectation is not met due to unforeseen circumstances. Participants will not receive a Certificate of Completion with full AOTA CEUs until both the Online and In-Person components are completed.

Pre-requisite Online Course Content:

13 hours of pre-recorded course content (13 hours/1.3 AOTA CEUs) will be made available online through STAR Institute's Online Learning platform and is a required prerequisite for attending the live-streamed portion of the program. This includes:

  • Introduction: Background information on sensory processing from Dr. Lucy Jane Miller
  • Frame of Reference: Even when the primary focus of intervention is sensory, the STAR Frame of Reference advocates for a continuous assessment of regulation, and relationships, in the context of mutable environments, social-emotional development, and attention.
  • PROCESS for schools: Introduction to the STAR Treatment Model: The integration of basic principles of sensory integration intervention based on Ayres' original theory and advanced treatment using our clinical reasoning methodology.
  • Research: An overview of SPD research from STAR Institute and the SPD Scientific Work Group as well as applicable research to school setting.
  • Subtypes of SPD: A complete introduction and overview of each of the Subtypes of SPD
    • Sensory Modulation Disorder
    • Sensory Discrimination Disorder
    • Praxis
    • Posture
  • Regulation: Foundational to development, regulation will be defined and explored.
  • Relationship: What therapist will do to facilitate, cultivate, strengthen strong, healthy therapist/child, child/teacher, therapist/teacher relationships to support desired outcomes.

Live-streamed Course Content:

  • Differential Diagnoses of Subtypes: What do the different subtypes of SPD look like in the academic setting? What are the sensory principles of treatment for each?
  • Assessment: How to review existing data, interview and observe, complete clinical evaluation, formulate a hypothesis, and synthesize and analyze. 
  • Write-ups: How to write a participation focused evaluation that connects what was seen in the evaluation to the concerns in the classroom.
  • IEP Process: Use of Goal Attainment Scaling to develop goals, outline service delivery, define accommodations, and develop a data collection system to evaluate treatment effectiveness.
  • A SECRET: Become skilled in the use of this problem-solving tool that helps explain the complexity of OT clinical reasoning to other providers.
  • Treatment: How to develop a customized approach for specific sensory challenges that your student experiences. How to use advanced clinical reasoning to decide what level of service delivery is appropriate for your student, considering everything from a "consult as needed" model up through intensive short term pull out service delivery.
  • Appreciative inquiry: Follow a process for facilitating positive change in your own environment.

Additional Program Learning Options:

  • Online ONLY: $250
    13 hours/1.3 AOTA CEUs
    13 hours of recorded course content will be made available online through STAR's Online Learning platform. Completion of the Online content is a required prerequisite for attending the Live-streamed portion of the program.
  • Live-streamed Course ONLY: $500
    12 hours/1.2 AOTA CEUs
    Registration for the Live-streamed course alone requires previous completion of the online content within the past year. Those with incomplete online coursework will not be permitted to attend the live-streamed portion of the program and will not receive a Certificate of Completion with full AOTA CEUs.
  • In-Person Course ONLY: $700
    12 hours/1.2 AOTA CEUs
    Registration for the In-Person course alone requires previous completion of the online content within the past year. Those with incomplete online coursework will not be permitted to attend the live-streamed portion of the program and will not receive a Certificate of Completion with full AOTA CEUs

Please inquire with if you are eligible for to complete the live-streamed course. Upon verifying eligibility, a promotional code will be provided to complete your registration.

Register for both the Online and Live-streamed/In-Person Program Bundle for the best value!


  • STAR Institute instructors receive a speaking fee for teaching this course
  • There are no other relevant financial or nonfinancial relationships to disclose

Credentialing and Continuing Education





Individuals interested in achieving the STAR ProCert 1 credential are required to take STAR Proficiency Level I course within 3 years of completing the full School-Based Intensive: STAR for School course.

Who should attend

Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants working in a school-based setting.

Attendance Policy:

Participants are required to complete all pre-requisite online course modules and attend each of the live-streamed sessions in real time to receive Certificate of Completion for the program. Participants may miss up to 1 half day (of 2-day course) or 1 session (of 4-session course; 3 hours) of the live-streamed course to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion and full CEUs. The course instructor(s) must be informed of any absences ahead of time. Emergencies or unplanned absences will be handled at discretion of the course instructor(s) and Director of Education.

Video recordings are typically made available to all participants shortly after each livestreamed session, however this is not guaranteed due to potential technical issues. If video recordings are available, this can be reviewed in the event of a planned or unplanned absence.

Do you have a disability that would require special accommodations?

Please contact us at and describe how we can help accommodate your needs.

Cancellation Policy

We require a minimum of 15 participants to run this program. Thus, it is sometimes necessary to change the dates a session is offered or to cancel a session. Participants are contacted at the earliest opportunity in the event of a scheduling change or cancellation. However, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone a scheduled session up to 1 week before the beginning date of each course.

In the event this program must be cancelled due to illness, fire, strikes, war, acts of God, terrorism or other causes that would prevent the program from taking place, STAR Institute will attempt to reschedule the program. If the program is unable to be rescheduled, STAR Institute will refund all tuition fees paid. If at that time the pre-requisite online modules have already been completed, a partial refund of $440 will be issued for the live-streamed portion of the program.

Registrations cancelled at least 1 week prior to the start date of the session may receive a refund of all tuition fees paid. If at that time the pre-requisite online modules have already been completed, a partial refund of $440 will be issued for the live-streamed portion of the program. Registrations cancelled after 1 week prior to the start date for the session will be deferred to a future course sponsored by STAR Institute.