eNews - October 2016

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Sensory Awareness Month

It’s Sensory Awareness Month! Thank you for helping us spread awareness throughout the year AND especially during the month of October. Please continue to share our social media posts and check out our Sensory Awareness Month web page for information and downloadable graphics to share. Please share with us what you’ve been doing to spread awareness about Sensory Processing Disorder this month by emailing marketing@spdstar.org. We may use your story on social media or in an upcoming eNewsletter.

Differences That Don't Matter

Differences That Don't Matter Not every child who lives with SPD has a parent who recognizes the signs so early. Before she had Ethan (now age 5), Ethan’s mom, Valerie, taught special education working with children with significant needs. She never thought her teaching experiences would become so valuable to her in raising her own family.

“I recognized early that Ethan wasn’t communicating with me and his dad as expected and he was not walking. He was fussy, didn’t like to sleep, and had gross motor delays,” said Valerie. At his one-year pediatrician visit, Valerie expressed her concern that Ethan wasn’t meeting his developmental milestones normally. She requested early intervention and was able to work with Child Find, at least till he was three years old. So they started with physical therapy. Then at the age of two, they started occupational therapy and speech therapy.

No diagnosis had yet been identified, and every checklist, including one for autism spectrum disorders, just didn’t quite fit with Ethan. Valerie learned about STAR Institute from a neighbor. Through the assessment process, Valerie could see that the symptoms of SPD fit Ethan perfectly. The therapies at STAR are helping Ethan to progress and Valerie and her husband are very thankful, especially to their therapists, Maura, Mim and Carrie D.

Valerie is calm while she talks about life with Ethan, but admits there are still good and bad days. Ethan is the first child for Valerie and her husband Dave. “We realized early that life would be different than we expected. But we face it without fear and never feel we are being held back from doing whatever we want to do,” said Valerie.

Dave always understood what was going on with Ethan but after a parent education session at STAR, Dave admitted he really “got it.” The picture became much clearer for him and now the conversations about Ethan between Valerie and Dave are richer and more constructive.

Through the therapies at STAR Institute they have learned methods to help Ethan cope.

“Every day is closely structured. When Ethan is overly tired or frustrated we know music and low lights will help calm him. Before going to a birthday party, or other similar outing, quiet time at home is required first,” Valerie explained. “We even have a mini ‘STAR gym’ in our basement complete with our own ball pit!”

Three years ago this young family grew by one with the birth of Emily. She doesn’t show any symptoms of SPD. Her and Ethan play together like typical siblings unaware that they have differences. Differences that don’t matter. This family is doing everything right.

Parent Pre-Symposium Workshop Only $15

November 3, 2016 in Seattle, Washington

We have created unique parent only Pre-Symposium Workshops on November 3. This workshop is led by expert parents of SPD children!

More info for Parents or Register Now.

*Parent and professionals book your hotel room by Tuesday October 11, 2016 to get special SPD Symposium pricing at the Seattle Marriott Bellevue.

Professionals - Additional Training in Seattle Offered by iLs!

iLsWe are pleased to announce that Integrated Listening Systems (iLs) is offering an introductory practitioner training on Sunday, November 6th to coincide with our 19th International 3S Symposium in Seattle. Read more about STAR Institute’s research on the effects of iLs on arousal in children with SPD and the effects of the Dreampad on sleep behaviors of children with ASD before the training.

The iLs Foundations & Implementation course provides professionals with hands-on training in how iLs’ sound and movement program addresses sensory processing, cognitive functions and emotional regulation, as well as how it can be integrated into your practice.

The instructor, Doreen Hunt MA, OTR/L, has over 25 years pediatric experience focused on Sensory Integrative dysfunction /Sensory Processing disorders, developmental delay, learning disabilities, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders. You can read her case studies here.

Register Now and use coupon code STAR for 10% off your iLs Foundations & Implementation registration when you’ve also registered for the 19th International 3S Symposium.

Colorado Gives Day


It is so easy, it’s another thing that makes giving so much fun! On Tuesday, December 6th, 2016, STAR Institute for SPD will join Colorado nonprofits on Colorado’s biggest philanthropic day of the year.

Colorado Gives Day is an annual movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. For the sixth year, Community First Foundation and FirstBank are partnering to present Colorado Gives Day on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. And again, they are offering the $1 Million Incentive Fund.

Because it’s online, you can participate from anywhere in the world!



Here’s how it works:

  • Sign on to ColoradoGives.org
  • Login or create your account
  • Search for STAR Institute, or click here here for our profile
  • Once on our profile, click on DONATE NOW
  • Follow the prompts to make your gift

You may do this on December 6th
Starting November 1st, you may follow these steps to schedule your donation in advance!


About Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Gives Day is powered by ColoradoGives.org, a year-round website featuring more than 1,900 nonprofits. ColoradoGives.org encourages charitable giving by providing comprehensive, objective and up-to-date information about Colorado nonprofits and an easy way to support them online.

$1 Million Incentive Fund

Thanks to Community First Foundation and First Bank, Colorado Gives Day features a $1 Million Incentive Fund, one of the largest gives-day incentive funds in the country. Based on a percentage basis, every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the Incentive Fund, which increases the value of every dollar donated.

No matter where you are on the planet on December 6th, join other donors

around the world who support STAR Institute!

ColoradoGives.org may be used year round to make gifts to support STAR Institute. You may make one-time gifts, or set up monthly gifts. You have your choice of where your gift goes, too. When setting up your gift, make a selection between treatment, research, education, advocacy or scholarships, your gifts to STAR Institute are very much appreciated, and powerful in the care for those with SPD.

Thank you for your generosity!

Investing in the future of STAR Institute

invest“The donations I make today are small but still meaningful to me and STAR Institute. Having STAR named as a beneficiary in my retirement account means I will eventually make a larger gift. One that reflects the true meaning of my passion for STAR, and one that will have a bigger impact on the future of the organization.” STAR Donor

It’s a common myth that only the rich and famous leave money to charity when they die. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is that without gifts left in wills by people like you, many charities wouldn’t even exist.

These gifts are often referred to as estate gifts, or planned gifts. Simply put, planned gifts are referred to as such because the donor takes more time to think about and plan the gift.

Regardless of the amount of money in your “estate,” gift planning can be as simple as naming STAR Institute as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy, or retirement account. These methods typically cost you nothing to set up, and will not need to go through the court system to disburse. Gifts of stock are another easy way to make a gift to STAR. Other more technical methods include naming STAR Institute in your will, or creating one of a variety of trusts.

Charitable donations come in many forms and sizes. There are many ways for you to make a gift to STAR Institute, each one an investment in our work.  With every gift you give to STAR, you show your commitment to the bigger picture, one that gives hope and help to those living with SPD.

For more information about how you may invest in the mission of STAR Institute with a planned gift, please contact Mary Jo Baker, Director of Development, at 303.865.7670.


Starry Night Gala

Starry Night GalaNovember 19, 2016

5:30 - 7 PM Cocktails & Silent Auction

7 - 9 PM Dinner, Program & Live Auction

Join this event in Scottsdale Arizona that provides funding for STAR Institute Scholarships.  Learn more!

STAR Institute Scholarships provide financial aid to families seeking answers for their children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and other sensory challenges related to Attention Deficit Hypertension Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder and other behavioral and developmental disabilities.

Scholarships support therapy at STAR Institute, the premier treatment clinic for these disorders, and with an unsurpassed track record.

This will be the third Starry Starry Night Gala and it continues to grow every year. The total raised last year was $132,131!


Get Adult Treatment for SPD

AdultsDr. Lucy Jane Miller and team have been busy launching the Adult Treatment Program for SPD. Treating adults with SPD does not look the same as when STAR Institute treats children.

Effective services for adults and older adolescents include direct therapy, home programs, education, and/or accommodations. Many adults do well with evaluation and consultation for treatment.  We do not put adults into the same equipment we use with children, but we provide the consultation they need to treat themselves. Often we can prepare a home program using some equipment such as Interactive Metronome at home, Integrated Listening Systems at home, proprioceptive activities (resistive weight bearing) and other activities designed to raise the adult’s threshold to sensation and normalize his/her reactions.

In direct treatment, therapy improves sensory processing and decreases sensory symptoms. Specific sensory inputs such as tactile stimulation, movement, auditory input, and/or other sensory experiences are utilized to normalize the client’s specific symptoms.

Adults who have never before experienced heights, touch, or movement with comfort can become much more successful and happy during those activities!

Learn more about Adult Treatment for SPD.

Upcoming Treatment Center Events

Play + Explore for Toddlers
Begins October 21, 2016

10:15 am – 11:15 am
This class is a 4 week series and is specifically designed for each developmental age, stage, and phase of your child. Learn more…

Blissful Breastfeeding Support Group

11:30 am-1:00 pm
As a new mom, it is normal to have questions about breastfeeding your baby, and it is necessary to receive support. Learn more…

Sensory Awareness Month Online Conference for Parents/Caregivers

Conference for Parents/Caregivers

Our very own Dr. Lucy Jane Miller and Dr. Kay Toomey will be featured in this online event.

Each day in October a top expert will share their best sensory tip to help you help your sensory loved ones!

Learn more…



Profectum 6th Annual New York Conference

NY Conference

Stress: Understanding its Impact, Symptoms & Recovery

October 30, 2106. 8:00 am - 5:15 pm

This conference will focus on the body-mind connection and how rapid state changes turn into stress responses. Promoting and restoring physiological calm, attention for relating, and learning is essential and is the foundation for all facets of development. Learn more!