School-Based Intensive for Occupational Therapy Practitioners

School-based Intensive for Occupational Therapy Practitioners in Massachusetts and New Jersey

This "hybrid" intensive training course will support the clinician to gain an advanced understanding of sensory processing and integration theory, the STAR frame of reference adapted for the schools, evaluation, and various strategies of intervention. The clinician will learn to apply clinical reasoning through lectures, video treatment observation, and analysis with experienced STAR faculty. The course will end with an opportunity for each clinician to develop an action plan to take back to their own practice.

May 31st-June 1st

Hampton Inn Franklin- Milford, 735 Union Street, Franklin, MA 02038

Mount Laurel, Mt Laurel, NJ

June 28th-June 29th


The full tuition for this program is $800. This includes both the online and in-person sections.

Who Should Attend

This intensive training program is designed for occupational therapy practitioners at all levels to enhance diagnostic and clinical reasoning skills. Courses will typically be limited to 30 participants so each person can receive individualized training.

Learning Objectives

The objective of STAR Institute's Sensory Processing Intensive for School-Based Occupational Therapy Practitioners is to provide participants with a basic comprehension of sensory processing theory and the ability to:

  • Explain how the three areas of sensory, relationships, and regulation can support students in each of the three tiers of RTI
  • Administer a variety of assessment tools to evaluate children with SPD in the school settings
  • Utilize a multifaceted approach to sensory processing and integration that includes consultation, accommodations and modifications, and remedial direct support services
  • Synthesize information in an OT assessment, write IEP’s, and collaborate effectively with student’s team
  • Use clinical reasoning tools for intervention developed by Dr. Lucy Jane Miller and Dr. Sarah A. Schoen
  • Observe client session videos, analyze through clinical reasoning, and discuss treatment planning
  • Receive group processing/supervision guided by faculty level clinicians from the STAR Institute