Symposium Poster Submissions
Present a copy of your poster for this unique and specialized audience!
Click here for poster submission guidelines

STAR Institute is excited to announce the opening of Poster submissions for STAR's 2023 Sensory Symposium! This year's Symposium will be a hybrid event, held in-person in Denver, Colorado as well as live-streamed. Accepted posters and abstracts will be shared in person and provided to all participants in a downloadable, PDF format.
- Posters must be on research or programming with a focus on sensory processing or sensory-motor
- Applications must be submitted by August 15, 2023
- Primary author must register to attend the Symposium in-person (early-bird rate will be honored)
- 300+ participants (in-person and via live-stream) and field leaders will view your poster, at the only sensory processing focused conference in the United States
- Gain recognition as an expert in your topic with acknowledgment during the STAR Symposium and on the Symposium webpage
- Receive one discounted registration to the STAR Symposium at the early-bird rate (In-person Symposium registration is required)
Apply Now
- Step One: Download and read the detailed poster submission guidelines
- Step Two: Complete the application below
- Posters must meet the stated submission guidelines to be approved. Applicants that are approved will be notified no later than August 30, 2023
- Accepted posters and abstracts will be provided to attendees in a downloadable, PDF format