SPD Scientific Work Group Participants

Goodwin, Matthew S., PhD

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer & Information Sciences
Institution: Northeastern University
Mailing Address: 312E Robinson Hall, 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA  02115

Dr. Goodwin serves as Director of Clinical Research at the MIT Media Lab, the Associate Director of Research at the Groden Center – an Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders, and founding member of the Autism & Communication Technology Initiative at MIT. He serves on the Executive Board of the International Society for Autism Research, is Vice-Chair of the Autism Speaks Innovative Technology for Autism Initiative, and has an Adjunct Associate Research Scientist appointment in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown University. Goodwin has over a decade of research and clinical experience working with the full spectrum of children and adults with autism; is well acquainted with a variety of experimental methods and statistical approaches used in the behavior sciences; and has extensive experience developing innovative technologies for behavioral assessment, including telemetric physiological monitors, accelerometry sensors, and digital video/facial recognition systems. He holds a Bachelors in Psychology from Wheaton College, and Masters and Doctorate degrees, both in Experimental Psychology, from the University of Rhode Island.